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Factions Update
Started by Rimm



Owner Member

Factions Change Logs  1.1.2

Brought back the Top deaths leaderboard at spawn

Added Vote crates at spawn (Behind the top deaths leaderboard)

Changed upgrade prices for Harvest Hoe

Dropped Harvest Hoe price down to 25k in the shop

Removed Music disc from shop

Switched factions to a more stable spigot for better performance and exploit fixes

Removed Plugins that weren't being used

Made /wild better (Teleports farther)

Dropped ender pearl cooldown to 10 seconds instead of 15 seconds

Made it so players can no longer run into spawn safezone when in combat (they get launched back)

Made combat tag last 20 seconds instead of 15 seconds

Added more words to chat games

Changed the prices of many spawners in the shop

Removed XP bottles, Beacons, Nether stars from the shop

Changed prices for many enchantments in shop

Changed time for /f fly to 10 seconds

Added blacklisted faction names to make moderation better

Changed starting faction power to 10 instead of 50

Fixed a bug where you couldnt use anything in safezone (reported by <@831702228523155472>)

Added /warp crates


Vote links: https://zyth.me/vote1, https://zyth.me/vote2

Rimm · 10 months ago