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ZythMC OneBlock Announcement
Started by Zythalopagus



Owner Member

ZythMC OneBlock Announcement



ZythMC OneBlock is an engaging game mode similar to SkyBlock, with the twist of only spawning on a single block. To progress, you must mine the block below you to expand your island, make vast riches, and become the #1 island.


The block you get will depend on what phase you're on. To progress phases, you must break a certain amount of blocks in your phase.


OneBlock Core: Core of the game mode, can be accessed with /ob

    - /ob: Generates your island, or sends you  to your current island.

    - /ob help: A list of subcommands a player can run, with most of the features of OB.

/spawn: Teleports you to the Marketplace, the main area to go shopping and sell your items.

/trade: Shows a list of subcommands a player can run.

     - /trade {player}: Initiates a trade with  that player if they are online.


To make money, you must sell items in the marketplace. The marketplace will have various different shops, and the Auction House. These shops will vary from mob spawners, to blocks, to redstone items.


ZythMC OneBlock will be released on April 5th @ 6:00PM EST. An announcement will be made an hour and 30 minutes before release, with downtime an hour before release. Another announcement will be made when OneBlock is public.

Zythalopagus · 12 months ago